Friday, July 1, 2011

There are have been so many wise choices and "successes" this week. It has been an emotional week for me, but I never -- let me say that again, I NEVER -- went to food for comfort. That has to be a first for me.

I spent more time in the Word and in prayer, but I never went to sugar.....not even chocolate. Thank You, Lord.

Huge victory for me. And it was not a battle. I just never thought about going to food. I just kept busy.

Today I was running errands and started to turn into the new Chick Fil A for lunch because I was so very hungry, but no! I didn't go. I changed the direction of my car and went home. I knew I had to go to the grocery store (and didn't want to go hungry), but I just went knowing that I could eat what I wanted (which was avocados at the moment) when I got home.

Another HUGE victory for me!

I am loving this clean eating. These foods make me feel satisfied without getting full. My cravings have changed. I no longer want chocolate or chips. I think if I started eating them, I would love them again, but I am completely satisfied with what I am eating. It is real food and it has tons of taste.

I am losing weight consistently, but slowly. Everyday I am down about a half a pound. That makes me smile.

We are trying new recipes right and left. I just went to the store and bought mostly meat (mostly seafood) because I will get my fruits and veggies from the farmer's market in the morning.

Love Clean Eating.


I could do this for a lifetime.