Great run today! I didn't run yesterday at all, but it didn't seem to have an impact on today's run. I have been reading about running and some books say run every other day as you are training or beginning to run. Would you agree?
I increased my miles today. I ran 2 miles and only had a few walk breaks, one being the big hill (up and down). I decided to run the dirt road today since Kevin graded it. It was really nice to NOT be focused on a certain hill or a certain place where I usually have in my mind that I can't get up the whole thing without stopping. Instead, I ran thinking, "I'll run until I can't run any more." I ran a lot. I was able to run uphill a lot today since most of the way between our house and the big hill is uphill. There are a few places that level out, but mostly uphill. Even when I walked up the big hill, it is so steep that my heart rate was up. Then I ran all the way home and even before I got to our driveway, I knew I could go further (and I wanted to increase to 2 miles today if possible), so I continued on to Tom and Nancy's house, turned around and came back. Even up the last little, slowly sloping hill, I didn't think "I can't make it" but rather was thinking "This is no problem today." :) That makes me sooooo happy! I am loving this!
One of the favorite parts of running for me is when I begin to break out in a sweat. I only sweat after I have stopped running, but when I get back inside the house within 5 minutes, I begin to sweat. It feels like breaking a fever and it feels good to me. I know I am doing a good thing.
I just feel stronger. I am so excited about this journey and that I have run now for a few weeks and still want to. I wanted to yesterday, but we left the house early to go to the dentist, it wasn't a good visit for Grant and I had not slept in 5nights. I was exhausted.
Today I was out of the house early, too, but I decided to run this afternoon. I am not really an early morning runner like a lot of people I read about. I like my coffee and Bible in the morning when my eyes don't want to open. Maybe one day I will transition, but this works for me right now. I usually go run around 10 or 11 in the morning, but today it was 4pm.
Thank You, Lord, for helping me persevere and for giving me an enjoyment in this at this time in my life.
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