Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It has not been a great 2 weeks around here. I am having some kind of trouble with my inner ear that keeping me awake at night, hurts when I walk (much less run), makes me not want to eat much, etc.

We also have had struggles that are totally unrelated to health. Three of our four cars were in the shop as of yesterday. Thankfully, sweet hubby was able to get my Suburban fixed in one day (great mechanic in Jacksonville). It is a very busy week with graduation on Friday, so I really needed a car. Two of the cars need expensive repairs. The third one, Wade is so knowledgeable with cars that he will actually pocket some money because the insurance co is letting him do the repairs and he has found parts less expensive online. I love that he knows what he is doing!

Anyway, all of this to say, I have turned to food to help me deal with stress. How stupid is that?! As a believer, I know that my only strength comes from the Lord, but I have not been thinking clearly, but just moving by habit to food. Lord, forgive me!

I did weigh last week and I had gained 1.8 pounds last week. Not good, but I wasn't exercising because of my ear. It hurt so badly when I walked that I didn't even try to run. P90X was out of the question for the same reason. So instead I went to the doctor, rested and tried the meds he gave me.

The only thing I should have tried that I haven't yet (and keep saying I am going to) is eating raw veggies and fruit and pumping Vitamin C to try to beat this thing. God gave me a body that was created to fight off disease if fueled properly. At least I believe that in my head. I just don't eat like it. is a new day. I got out to walk (because my ear is still hurting after 2 weeks). I only made it 1.1 miles and the itching I had on my legs and feet were so insane that I came back home and jumped in the shower. I have never had that at all! Weird! I hope it doesn't continue! I ate a fairly healthy breakfast, too.

I am taking the kids to lunch to celebrate school being out. They get to choose, so I hope they choose a place that has healthy options. Mexican or Chinese would not have good options, I don't think. We'll see what they choose. I might "guide" them a bit.

On the road again..........that is what keeps going through my head. Let's begin again. My friend, Deanne, motivates me everytime I read her blog. You can check her out under my friends. She worked hard for over two years to get healthy and has maintained it, though she stumbles at times. She understands that it is about one choice at a time.

I know that bad choices got me where I am. Now it will be about one good choice at a time. I just need to focus on one meal at a time just like I have to focus on God's grace for one day at a time in my Christian life.

Today, I pray, is about many good choices FOR health.

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