My blood pressure is running high consistently at night and has been for about the past week. This morning it was high again. It is a huge wake up call for me.
Wade and I have been doing WW for 3 weeks now, but I find that I take 2 days a week and eat whatever I want. It is hurting me. I am still losing weight (although I would lose more if I didn't do this), but that junk food is raising my blood pressure. My family history is big for high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Lots of family members are on meds for this. I don't want to have to take medicine. I hope to take care of this with diet and exercise.
But that means no more junking it! Everyday, every meal counts for me. I have to cut down tremendously on the salt and sugar. I have to binge on the raw fruits and veggies.
So this week I am focusing on filling in my marks at the bottom of the tracker. There are 6 markers for liquid; 2 markers for healthy oils, 1 marker for multivitamin; 9 (yes, 9!) markers for fruits and veggies; and 3 markers for non-fat/low-fat milk products. I want to shoot for marking off all of the boxes this week, every single day. That will be a ton, but it should help fill me up on the right kinds of foods.
I also enjoy a glass of red wine 1-2 times a week (a dr had recommended I do that for my heart after my mom's heart trouble). That will have to end. It has a stimulant in it that could raise my blood pressure from what the dr said on Monday.
Half caff. That is now the coffee I am drinking. No more full-caff for me. It is okay with me. Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts have good half caff or decaf.
This also means that certain foods will have to leave the house. Good-bye. Wade and I talked this morning and the kids will just have to get on board. My health is a concern, but we all need to make changes. They will have the same family history one day, so best to train them NOW to eat healthy.
Off to eat some pears!
I am on my way! I've had 5 fruits/veggies so far! I have eaten: spinach, banana, 1.5 pears, strawberries in my yogurt, and salsa (w/ lots of tomatoes). Only 4 more to go!
One more thing I have noticed. I am eating less ice! That is huge for me. For the past year I have been eating all ALL DAY LONG. I take it with me when I leave the house. I have a full glass constantly with me and when that is gone, I refill it. My teeth have suffered.
BUT since finding out how anemic I was in December and the dr putting me on two doses a day of iron, I am not craving it. I might eat 1 glass a day, but I am drinking more water. I think I thought I was getting water through eating the ice, but it was so minimal that I probably was really dehydrating myself. Maybe that's why I've had more headaches.
Good changes being made. Love that!
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