On this journey to health, I will have to say that this week has been horrible for me. I have not been diligent at all. Because of a medical issue, I have been told I can walk a little, but no running. I am supposed to rest for a few days. It has totally pysched me out.
It also doesn't help that I am fighting a sinus infection, but that SHOULD make me want to fuel my body with healthy things! But, no. I am eating junk and that will make my body succumb to the infection. Ugh.......
My sweet hubby on the other hand lost another 2.4 pounds this week! Go, Wade! He is a machine. He even went to the 5am AND 6am D1 classes Friday because he loves playing what they call "Ghetto Ball."
His diligence should be motivating me, but it's not. Instead I find myself eating everything in sight and enjoying none of it. I feel guilty, but am not really convicted or I would change my ways.
I need to reread "Made to Crave" and write down the verses that convicted me the first time through. I need to pray more about this and yield in obedience to what is healthy for my body.
Lord, tomorrow is a new day. Help me begin again and help me to desire to put healthy things into my body and, if I don't desire it, help me do what is right no matter what!
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