Kind of working on a new workout schedule this week. I am trying surge training on MWF with running and/or yoga on TTHS.
Today I went out on the dirt road to see how I would do. Plugged my ears with my favorite playlist for running (Skillet, of course!) and headed out. To run to the "neighbors" up the road, the terrain is all uphill. I was pleasantly surprised that I could run to their road and back without stopping (1.2 miles) or hurting. My breathing was good. My legs felt strong.
Wearing my Nike Plus chip, I could tell that my pace going uphill was good for me (8:45), but when I got back to my driveway, my overall pace wasn't what I thought it would be, considering that the way back was mostly downhill with a few small rises in the road. (10:45) I must have slowed or maybe the uphill reading was my pace at the moment, not the average.
I could tell (again) that the surge training was helping me overall in running at a pretty steady pace without feeling exhausted. I felt strong today.
You can imagine how sad I was to get back inside and load my first run in months on Nike, only to find that because it has been so long since I have used my Nike chip that it was no longer calibrated and had no information on it. :)
Well, I guess it did have some info on it. I had a surge training run early in the month where I used my iPod, but it didn't have today's run. So it posted this little short sprint run for some reason. Oh sometimes gets the best of me.
Today was short, but a start. A friend has motivated me to get back into Nike Plus. She has moved quickly from the orange to the green level through encouragement (and great competitiveness) from a friend. :) Go, Christy! You are THE BOMB!
So here is today's meager info: 1.2 miles/12:36 min/10:45 mph
After I realized it wasn't calibrated (and I found out I needed to put my weight in!), I went out again and ran enough to calibrate this baby.
We are now ready to go! Not sure what it will look like, but today felt great. The weather was perfect for me. Cloudy with a little wind, about 65 degrees.
The best part of it all was sitting on the porch afterward listening to Kari Jobe sing "My Beloved" and just meditate on how God Almighty could love a wretch like me. Highlight of my day.
glad to hear you are on nike plus's your challenge: catch up with me!!! :) ha!!