Sunday, July 1, 2012


Wade and I are juicing. We drink our nutrients for at least breakfast, but usually for breakfast and lunch each day. Wade doesn't love veggies and fruit, so he is getting so many different nutrients! We are drinking kale, spinach, cucumber, tomatoes, lemon, celery, peaches, apples, grapes, blueberries, oranges -- whatever is in the fridge.

And we are loving it!

Okay, I'm loving it. He is hungry and needs to find the perfect snacks for him. I am thinking nuts, fruit, and then a healthy dinner. He has lost 10 pounds in just over 2 weeks!

Guys. They always lose so much faster! Of course, he is way more disciplined than I am, too. :) He's not tempted by chocolate.

It does take so much fruit and so many veggies to juice. But it is so yummy. I've always struggled that juicing wastes so much of the fruit or veggie. I still struggle some with it, but I am buying my produce differently.

In bulk. No, I haven't started buying from Azure yet. But buying bags in the grocery store.

No, it's not organic. I can't buy all organic until we are in a different place financially. So I am buying what I can and scrubbing.

And juicing.

I feel great! My seasonal allergy struggle from last month is gone. Such a better answer than meds.

Want to see motivation on the screen? Google "Raw Rebecca." She has highly motivated and inspired me lately. Her blue jeans picture on Facebook has been saved on my phone for daily motivation.

The greatest part: We are getting healthier and healthier. After all of the reading I have been doing, I am so intrigued and interested in eating a vegetarian or even vegan diet. No decisions being made yet. Still researching.

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